Combined Shape

Piazza Caduti di Nassiriya

Grosseto, 2015

Location: Grosseto, Italia
Year: 2015
Project: OKS Architetti
Collaborator: Camilla Meciani, Mantas Leleika
Program: Square
Type: Open competition

The Piazza dei Caduti di Nassiriya site is a large empty space with no relations with the city of Grosseto and the surrounding area. The first consideration is based on drawing a series of visual axes projected towards the city walls from the main arrival points to the square. The resulting design defines some triangular shapes identifiable with the rigid geometry of the city walls. The project defines a central element surrounded by tree volumes. The two volumes facing east rise towards the street front in order to accommodate some covered functions. The volume facing the city walls rises with a set of steps to create a panoramic spot. The joints in the pavement define pathways interspersed with points of light scattered in the design of the square. The central space is presented as a multipurpose area geared toward sports and outdoor activities.

oks architetti

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